Talks between Britain, Germany and France, which negotiated on behalf of the 25-nation European Union, and Iran collapsed in early August after Iran resumed Uranium reprocessing activities
Iran has said its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, but the United States accuses it of seeking to develop atomic weapons.
Cut off from the world and having to contend with an orthodox and repressive Taliban government, Afghans are facing the brunt of Pakistan's decades old policy of nurturing militant groups, note Harsh V Pant and Kriti M Shah four months after the Taliban took Kabul.
'Other countries cannot stop Iran's uranium enrichment program,' said Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi.
"Whenever we do compromise those rights, the world is worse off," Pompeo said.
Iran has escaped sanction over the failure of its judo world champion to fight an Israeli at the Athens Olympics.
Marzieh Vafamehr was arrested in July after appearing in My Tehran for Sale, which came under harsh criticism in conservative circles, the Telegraph reports.
The Iranian woman's football captain, Niloufar Ardalan, will miss the Asian Cup tournament as her husband has confiscated her passport in a domestic quarrel.
Entering Iran may lead to trouble for those having significant presence in the US market.
The reimposition of sanctions on Iran will have major impact on countries like India, with which it has traditional and historic trade relationship.
India will see a gradual growth acceleration with its GDP expected to reach 5.9 per cent this year.
'By annoying the Arabs and cozying up to Iran, Pakistan may end up losing Arab economic support, annoying the Americans and increase Shia-Sunni tensions domestically,' Colonel Anil A Athale (retd) points out.
The sanctions bar foreign countries from exporting refined petroleum to Iran, as well as restrict access to US financial institutions for any entities that help Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps. Also, it prevents investment, transfer of technology and development of Iran's energy sector, and makes it easier for states and localities to divest from companies that do business with Iran.
It was a shot in the arm for thousands of protesting Iranians when the Guardian Council the religious body entrusted with overseeing the election in the country -- said the number of votes counted in about 50 cities exceeded the number of eligible voters there.
Noting that the international community is united around Iran's misbehaviour, United States President Barack Obama has said it will be worth watching how China operates at the United Nations Security Council where his administration is likely to propose additional sanctions against Tehran.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday called for developing a template by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to effectively deal with the challenges of extremism and radicalisation.
'A Russia-Iran-China-Pakistan geopolitical grouping is evolving at this point of time.' 'Given that the grouping is in its nascent stages, will this week's terrorist attack in Mirjaveh affect it?' asks Aveek Sen.
Union External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid on Thursday night returned home after a two-day Iraq visit during which he held talks with top Iraqi leadership on issues of bilateral and mutual interests including imports of oil.
External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid on Wednesday left for Iraq on a two-day visit aimed at deepening India's ties with the oil-rich Arab country.Khurshid, the first Indian external affairs minister to visit Iraq in last 23 years, will hold talks with his Iraqi counterpart Hoshiyar Zebari and discuss bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest.
'The really striking thing is that the Taliban has suo moto presented to us certain firm benchmarks against which it expects us to hold to account the Taliban rulers's actions in the period ahead' notes Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.
As the NAM summit opens in Tehran on Thursday, Nikhil Lakshman, who is traveling with the prime minister, captures the mood in the Iranian capital.
Looking to woo pro-Israel and Jewish voters back home, White House hopeful Mitt Romney took an aggressive stand against Iran, calling it an "incomparable" threat to the world and suggesting he would even back Israel's unilateral strike against the country.
'Indian diplomacy in West Asia under the present government has been a success story -- and with Saudi Arabia in particular,' says Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar.
The Global Innovation Index published by INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), ranks 141 countries on the basis of their innovation capabilities.
Iran has promised India all cooperation in finding out who was behind the February 13 bombing targeting an Israeli diplomat's wife. The Iranians insisted there would be no problem in assisting the Indian government locate the individuals associated with the crime.
Images and a round-up of all the World Cup qualifiers played across continents on Tuesday.
Demanding that those involved in the alleged Iranian attempt to assassinate its ambassador to the United States should be brought to justice, Saudi Arabia has asked the United Nations chief to bring the "heinous plot" before the Security Council.
India is apprehensive about the Taliban's return as it would mean loss of access to Baluch rebels and help to the restive tribals of Waziristan. This would be a setback to the Indian strategy of returning the compliments of death by a thousand cuts to Pakistan, notes Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).
The state visit of the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, beginning today is different from Obama's November trip to India, it added. "It (Hu's US visit)'s a little different than our trip to India, in the sense that the economic relationship that we have with the Chinese is different on a scale with what we do with India," said Robert Gibbs.
The Reserve Bank of India's rather sudden and unilateral decision to discontinue the Asian Clearing Union, a move that effectively stops settlements in dollars and the Euro, will most impact Mangalore Refinery, which sources 60 per cent of its crude needs from Iran.
The powerful United Nations Security Council on Monday unanimously adopted a resolution that endorses the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers.
A day after sealing final pacts with Iran on a long-talked gas pipeline, Pakistan on Monday said it will welcome India joining the project and will guarantee safe delivery of the fuel.
Human rights groups have rallied against Iran's election to the UN Commission on the Status of Women on the grounds that the Islamic Republic is oppressive when it comes to women's rights.
Earlier, the limit for the amount of cash that Indians could in foreign exchange for overseas travel was $2,000.
At scaling back Tehran's nuclear programme and relieving the Islamic Republic from the sanctions
'The bigger challenge and dilemma for Pakistan would be if the US and Saudi Arabia go full throttle against Iran and enforce regime change in Tehran.' 'That would be bad news for Pakistan, especially with the current instability in Balochistan,' notes Brigadier Narender Kumar (retd).
US President Barack Obama vowed to secure all the vulnerable nuclear material around the globe in four years; as terrorist groups like Al Qaeda are aiming at getting a hand on them. "At April's Nuclear Security Summit, we will bring forty-four nations together behind a clear goal: securing all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world in four years, so that they never fall into the hands of terrorists," Obama said in his State of the Union Address.
But he politely asked the Israeli head of the government to 'hold back' on settlements in territory claimed by the Palestinians for their future state: 'for a little bit'.